Friday, September 16, 2011

Turkey Trails

I encountered a flock of plump wild turkeys this morning. They were hanging out at an intersection between Alna and Wiscasset on this crisp Fall morning. This reminded me that I hadn't seen our local brood of turkeys lately. Wouldn't you know it, a couple of hours later....there they were! Atira was the first to glimpse them, bellowing, "The turkeys are back!" as she sprinted to the window.

They seem to be creatures of habit and have a travel trail that they always follow. It incorporates the dirt road behind our house, crosses a small wooded area to just to our right and then takes them straight down our driveway and back into the woods again. They looked much larger than the small chicks we first encountered this spring. They've filled out nicely and I wonder how many will make it through Turkey Season........

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West Bath, Maine, United States