Sunday, February 26, 2012

Back To Setting An Alarm

Even when you stay home, vacations seem to fly by. February break was no exception.
A bit of bowling with the family and Riley Foreman brought in the weekend for us.

Then Monday, Jubal and I joined Aaron LaPointe, Nate Fisher and half the Hodgdon clan for a hiking supply run to Cabela's, Bean's and NorthFace. This was profitable.

Then, because I was out of my normal routine, I forgot about Jubal's driver's ed class at 6. Jubal remembered at 7. This was not profitable.
Tuesday's class was not forgotten.
The middle of the week brought kid-swapping with the Pendletons. Even after all these years, I'm quite sure that Caleb doesn't know what to think of me...
The end of vacation saw the older boys off to Blueberry Mountain for Snow Camp with the WWBC Youth Group. Jubal's first attempt at skiing ended halfway down the hill but thankfully with no lasting injuries.

Back home, the excitement was slightly less. The peak was probably Tell's attempt to wear three pair of pants simultaneously because he didn't want to decide which ones to wear. So, while sporting one pair on his legs, one pair on his arms and the third on his head, he told me very confidently, "I call myself Pantsman."

And now, as I set my alarm for 6am, our vacation officially concludes.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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West Bath, Maine, United States