Tuesday, September 6, 2011

.....And We're Off!

As I sit watching Atira's soccer practice, I'm about 3/4 of the way through the first crazy school day. I started schooling the younger kids a couple weeks ago but it's been sporadic and the rest of the world was still in summer mode. Today was Jubal's first day of school so I was out of the house by 6:25 with Atira, who had awoken early, to pick up Nate Fisher and bring them to Liz Brown's for the commute up to Coastal. Arriving home at 7:30 I found Nolan awake with breakfast eaten and his bed made, ready for schoolwork. (This was discussed last night) I feel so organized at the moment. We had a great school day, Atira's practice has ended and I'm off to pick up Jubal from the Fishers. Thanks to Don, who picked him up from Coastal's soccer practice. Don has a coffee waiting for me and then it's back home to the roast that Nolan is monitoring. Here we go!

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West Bath, Maine, United States