Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Done with the Duct Tape

We could live with the crushed ice cube buttons, the many missing shelves, the remaining duct taped one.......

the door that no longer shut by itself and even the water button, that when pushed, created a mini waterfall down the front of the fridge. When the door no longer remained closed, however, we had to give in and buy a new appliance. Although I hated to spend the money, I'll gladly admit how nice it is not to look at hunter orange and camouflage duct tape each time I want a drink of orange juice.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. Comforting to know that there's another family in the universe who needs combat-resistant kitchen appliances. We just replaced our fridge recently and I was mortified when I was dismantling the old one at how HORRIBLE it looked! Guess I had stopped seeing it.


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West Bath, Maine, United States