Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Snakes Crawl at Night

(an unpublished addendum to my April AT posts that I just discovered)

We tented close to Fingerboard Shelter last night after an exhausting day of hiking. Once in the tent I told Peg, "I will be asleep before you finish dressing." This morning she confirmed that my snoring began pretty much the minute my head hit the pillow. Inevitably I awoke before dawn needing to use the"Poo Loo". At the same time I recalled that the Fingerboard Shelter had a resident rattlesnake.

I also remembered one of my favorite childhood Grandpa Dan, in his yodeling, country twang voice, frequently sang "Oh the snakes crawl at night. That's what they say. When the sun goes down, then the snakes will play." So at 4 in the morning I was googling whether this song was accurate. I decided to hold it until daylight.

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  1. You should have woke me up, I would have stood watch for the snakes! lol

  2. Remind me to take Liz hiking with me if I ever go again!


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West Bath, Maine, United States