Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Anatomy of a Toddler

Sitting here in this heat, it certainly doesn't feel like the start of school is less than three weeks away! Tell and I had a conversation today that prompted me to consider that even though he is not starting school for a few years, perhaps I should invest a bit of time teaching him anatomy. A couple days ago he asked to watch cartoons and I told him "no". I said that it wasn't good for his brain to watch too much TV; his brain needed to have play time and imagine things. I believe that conversation was the root of this one:

Tell: "Mama, my brain iss tellin' me thah I need cartoons."
Me: "Cartoons?"
Tell (holding up two fingers): "Two cartoons."
Me: "Your brain is telling you that you need to watch two cartoons?"
Tell: "Yeth."
Me: "Do you know where your brain is?"
Tell (very thoughtful): "Uhhhm....in my tummy."

Yup. There are a few things to be taught there.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad you're teaching him where his brain is at a young age! Some grown adults still seem to act like their brain is in their tummy. :)


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West Bath, Maine, United States