Saturday, September 1, 2012

Saturday Stuff in September

September 1st....Sold yard sale stuff at Sandy's once again in the morning with mom and Suci...
and then made it to the Hodgdon's lobster cookout 10 minutes early. (Consider this post as "marked on the calendar", Greg.) Thanks to the Pinkhams, the lobster was inexpensive and so fresh it arrived with seaweed...

Before being put in the pot, we were shown an impromptu demonstration of how to put a lobster to sleep by placing it on its head.....

Today it was OK to play with our food....

A cookout with good friends makes for a good day......

And finally, the family (and Riley Foreman) gathered in the living room for the season premiere of Dr. Who makes for a good night......

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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West Bath, Maine, United States