Sunday, May 8, 2011

Mom's the Word

Some highlights of my Mother's Day:

  • Jim attempting to determine why my dryer won't heat up, instead of heading to the gym early this morning like he had wanted to.....
  • Attending church with my mother and being thankful that she is still here on this earth to appreciate........
  • Teaming up with my friend Peg McConnell and sharing loads of laughter while instigating mischief at church......
  • Toddler hugs from Tell, they're the best!
  • Dandelions from Atira
  • Visiting at Papa and BawBaw's and spending just a bit of time with my Aunt Laure from Arkansas........
  • Ending the day with friends who just happen to be family, Greg and Cuzannah......

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West Bath, Maine, United States