Monday, May 30, 2011
Sickness Silverlining
I'm finally feeling better after battling sickness for a few days. All the kids, excepting Jubal, picked it up before me, and of course I said the cliche' motherly things to them. This included, "Drink lots of water to help your body fight off the sickness. It will help you feel better." So, when I came down with it, my little 5-year old Telly greeted me two mornings in a row with a glass of water that he had poured himself, telling me, "Thith will hep you feel better." What a sweet gesture, and I love knowing that sometimes they really do listen!
Thursday, May 26, 2011
Firsts and Lasts
The first ice cream of the season is always a reason to celebrate. The same is true of the last day of school. Jubal combined both of these yesterday as the kids and I hit Witch Spring Hill Ice Cream after the boys' piano lesson. He is now enjoying academic freedom until September. Nolan and Atira will need to wait another four weeks, unfortunately. Another cause for celebration yesterday, was Dad's 60th birthday, which marks the beginning of official "oldness" for him. Today, Jen and Randy Keach and I had the last Good New Club of the year at Woolwich Central School. It was a bit sad to know we won't see them until the new school year; they've been such an enjoyable group of kids. I know I'll see quite a few of them at our church's VBS in a few weeks, however, and I really need to get studying for that event. It's coming up quickly, yikes!
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Mom's the Word
Some highlights of my Mother's Day:
- Jim attempting to determine why my dryer won't heat up, instead of heading to the gym early this morning like he had wanted to.....
- Attending church with my mother and being thankful that she is still here on this earth to appreciate........
- Teaming up with my friend Peg McConnell and sharing loads of laughter while instigating mischief at church......
- Toddler hugs from Tell, they're the best!
- Dandelions from Atira
- Visiting at Papa and BawBaw's and spending just a bit of time with my Aunt Laure from Arkansas........
- Ending the day with friends who just happen to be family, Greg and Cuzannah......
Sunday, May 1, 2011
If You Can't Cook.......
I would not consider the preparation of food to be one of my hobbies. This being the case, it is always nice to surround yourself with friends that mix, whip, and stir their way through a kitchen with ease. My friend Heidi Morrill is one that turns mundane earthly ingredients into small slices of heaven so it's always a treat when she puts on a spread. You should see the eyes of my culinary-deprived men light up, and the sighs of contentment at the mention of an invitation to the Morrill's. No matter what time of day we descend upon the house, there is at the very least, a lovingly baked goodie waiting on the kitchen island. If we're lucky, it's an invitation to an actual meal. This was the case today and Heidi did not disappoint. What an array of pleasure for sight and taste awaited us after church! There were biscuits, bacon, eggs, toast, chicken cordon-bleu breakfast casserole, plain french toast, stuffed french toast encrusted with almonds, fried potatoes, stuffed monkey bread and fresh mango, kiwi, pineapple and strawberries. The only thing better than all the delicious food was washing it down with the laughter of friends.
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