Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Spring Cleanup

I love the fresh burst of motivation and energy that Spring brings me after my weary winter confinement. My yard is once again tidy and pleasant after spending a week working toward that goal. On Saturday, Jim and I spent the day dragging, cutting, and burning limbs and the occasional entire tree. This past year was a record setter for the amount and sizes of branches that our surrounding trees lost to wind and winter.

Yesterday, I dug all the grass and weeds out from the rock path and added a few solar lights, making it once again an inviting entrance. My water fountain that I began last spring is now complete. (I've included a video, complete with the sound of our resident Robins in the background. If you listen close you might even hear one of the kids yelling in the house :) Being about as far from a qualified engineer as you can get, I brilliantly constructed my water feature with absolutely no liner under the waterfall last year. It looked lovely for a few hours until I had no more water in the tub. I rebuilt it this past week and ran it all day yesterday. The only water loss was from Tell's splashing. I must say I'm quite satisfied with the project and look forward to a summer outside with the lulling sound of falling water.

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West Bath, Maine, United States