Friday, February 12, 2016

Cincinnati Museum Center

In my trip prep I discovered that the Cincinnati Museum Center, only slightly out of the way to Anth and Laura's, was hosting an exhibition of Lego art by Nathan Sawaya. It was immediately voted as a "must see" stop.

If you ever get the opportunity to see his work, don't miss out. It was amazing.

The first gallery's floor was filled with the reflection of thousands of translucent Lego pieces hanging high above that recreated the glass window of Notre Dame. The walls held Lego replicas of paintings such as Girl with a Pearl Earring, The Wave, Starry Night, Rembrandt's Self-Portrait and the Mona Lisa. 

The gallery beyond included "The Scream", which Atira sought to replicate , and a three-dimensional version of Whisler's Mother.

Sawaya's renditions of famous sculptures from antiquity were displayed in the third gallery, along with a 1:1 ratio rendering of the smallest "head" statue from Easter Island that boasted over 750,000 Lego bricks.

The remaining galleries contained Sawaya's original artistic designs. 

The exhibit was thoroughly enjoyable and  even provided an outlet for expressing your own Lego creativity at the conclusion. I didn't bother to photograph the bridge that I attempted...

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