Saturday, May 1, 2010

Wii, Wii, Madam

Upon returning to the house after picking up Nolan, Jim trudged up the stairs. Something in the sound of his walk caused me to look up from my paperwork and instantly I knew something was up. Jim would make a terrible poker player. His face tells everything. "What did you do?" I asked. He came closer and said, "Some husbands buy their wives diamond rings." (Some do....not mine) "Jim, what did you buy?" I was told to close my eyes and brought to the top of the stairs. When I looked down, I saw the Wii Fit Plus that I have wanted since before Christmas! I was quite happy but haven't been able to properly try it out yet. I had a Paris cafe themed women's event at the church tonight and didn't want to arrive smelly. (We don't want to be TOO authentic in our French theme....)


  1. How did the women's event go? Sure wish I could be there for them... For the record, I think you should've been authentic. :)

  2. I've taken of 16 pounds since Christmas, basically trying to eat a little smarter, and working out 30 mins. a day, five days a week, on the Wii I bought for Susan.


About Me

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West Bath, Maine, United States