Monday, May 24, 2010

The Coffee Cure-all

I just love coffee to jump start my production in the morning, or anytime of the day, really. I'm convinced that it is purely psychological and not the caffeine because I can consume a cup o'Joe prior to hitting the hay and enjoy a good night's sleep. Knowing my love of the bitter brew, my thoughtful husband returned home early this morning with a black, blueberry Dunkin' Donuts in hand as I was loading up the washer. Was it just a random, kind gesture? or perhaps he thought I might need a cup after his dream last night, in which I was apparently enjoying some brews and laughing it up with fat, old men at the local pub after a hard day at work.......


  1. I'm not old, but I'll come have coffee with you sometime. Not blueberry, though. Ugh. French roast, maybe?

  2. I think enjoying a soda and a Sea Dog's game together was much better. You magnify the fun. We must all get together again soon before the summer flies away.


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West Bath, Maine, United States