Monday, November 28, 2011


A Monday morning science session had Nolan, Atira and I reviewing the various phylum of the Animal Kingdom. I was quite pleased that when we came to the group Nematodes, Nolan's eyes lit up with recognition and he shouted, "Oh, oh! Nematodes! I remember what those are, roundworms with no segments." I praised his answer and asked how he remembered that. My teacher self-pride was completely deflated when his answer came back....."Spongebob." Really? Has it come to this, that the information my students retain is that which is reinforced by a drooling echinoderm and a poriferan in a pineapple?

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1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the laugh first thing this morning. :) That story is FUN-NEE!!!


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West Bath, Maine, United States