I am writing this during this hour specifically to irritate the environmentalist whackos. They are celebrating Earth Hour by turning off as many power-using devices as possible. Well, let them sit in the dark and try not to exhale their carbon dioxide. I intend to celebrate the alternate holiday: Human Achievement Hour. All the lights are on, the dishwasher is running, and we've got the computer and TV on. Long live electricity!
Jim and I were discussing the cow flatulence tax of Ireland and Denmark this afternoon over coffee. They are levying these taxes to offset the supposed harm these "emissions" are causing. I have to chuckle even as I write that ridiculous statement. I'm quite sure our Creator took this normal body function of expelling gas into account when designing the workings of his world and what it can handle. Liberals love any way to squeeze money out of us and exert power over us. This tax is a perfect example. It clearly does nothing to help solve the "problem" of cow farting, based on their belief that it is causing global warming and therefore is just a way to gain more money and power. If they really feel that cow flatulence is a major issue in our world, Jim has a solution: Fit each bovine with a fart filter. If we could design one and market it to those gullible greenies, we'd never have to work another day in our life.......just some thoughts to chew on.
Now I really wish I could get to know you and Jim better. :)