Well, the big day has arrived and "the boys" have departed for Australia. For once we were not running late and arrived with a couple hours to spare. Check in went quickly and smoothly, no lines, no waiting. From a distance, I could see Nolan chatting it up with the security personnel at the end of the process. (He's just like his father.) Nolan was nervous and excited about flying. Even though Jubal said he wasn't, I think he was. On the outside, however, he remained "cool". Teenagers have a reputation, you know. There is no way to view the plane taking off so I left for home. I was at the "Revere Beach to the right, Maine straight ahead" rotary when Jim called to say they were sitting in the plane. He emailed me a picture taken by his mistress* who, as a side note, got a nice new case for this trip. I call it her vacation home. As I write this they are about an hour and 45 minutes from landing in Germany.
*For those who are not aware, Jim's mistress is his red iPhone, Lady in Red. I'm in no way jealous of their relationship. We get along fine.
Rachelle, you're a funny girl. I like your sense of humor woman!