While Jubal was working with Jim on Monday, the three youngest kids and I took an unplanned trip to Fort Popham to see the latest Bath Iron Works built Navy ship pass by on its way out to sea trials . On the beach adjacent to the fort, I met up with my friend Cara Fuller and her kids. Cara's husband, Chad and our mutual friend Don Fisher were both on board the
USS Jason Dunham, traveling down the Kennebec River toward our viewing point. The kids enjoyed wading into the chilly water and playing in the sand while we waited for the ship's arrival. The seals were numerous and active just offshore and helped pass the time until we saw the Coast guard escort, followed by the mast of the ship above the fort as it passed through the channeyl and continued past the beach, through the multitude of seals and out to the Atlantic for a few days. Before heading home, the kids had great fun exploring the fort and we ended the outing with some Giffords ice cream at
Tuesday, I decided to head up to the Damariscotta Mills Fish Ladder to see the running of the alewives. As it turns out, we caught them near the beginning of the run. They were not very thick and I should have waited a week or so. I posted one photo. Though it's difficult to distinguish any individual fish, the blackness of the resting pool are all the fish crowded together. There is an ongoing restoration project for the ladder itself and it looks like it will be quite nice when it's complete. In the past, only a small portion of the series of pools leading to the pond above has been visible, but with this year's visit I could see that they are building pathways to allow visitors to view much more of the alewives journey. I look forward to next year's run.